Monday, April 19, 2010

Iowa Blackie

This update doesn't really pertain to IAIS boxcar art much, but it is important enough to warrant it's own update as it relates to a legendary Iowan hobo by the name of Iowa Blackie.

I was out on a bike ride looking for spots to hang swings and I ran across a little train bridge on the CRANDIC route going over a small creek. The CRANDIC route is a rail way that runs from Cedar Rapics to Iowa City... CR and IC, CRANDIC, got it? Anyway... naturally, I had to go check the bridge out for a few reasons. One, as a spot to potentially hang a swing, and two, well, just out of general interest. I walked down the tracks in the middle of the bridge and became disinterested very quickly after only seeing fleeting proclomations by lovers scratched into the metal of the bridge over the year, but then I came to the end:

Wow! A true gem, especially for the history of Iowa rail roads and those that partake in their services. I was stoked to say the least. For those that must know, Iowa Blackie is hobo royalty, crowned hobo king at the National Hobo Convention in Britt, IA. He is a poet that publishes his own material, and he still actively travels.

If you'd like to purchase a copy of any of his books, make sure to go to his website, Iowa Poet Blackie.

Well, lots of box car pics coming your way.

Until then.

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