Thursday, July 7, 2011

Drilled Remnants

Okay, according to the previous update, I said I would have new pics up in the next few days. What I really meant to say was that I'd have new pics up in the next few weeks. Life's a bitch, don't snitch.

I've seen this little guy a few times, always on the insides of boxcars. I'm guessing it's a worker, not a hobo, since he's holding a little sign talking about "loaded" and such.

A partially covered Driftwood, from 1999.

Buster from May of 1994. Peace maaaaaaan.

Stackabones and Cloud, both from 2005.

Railhead shreds. Railhead Rod from 2001.

That shark again.

"L" from November of 1997. Loopy.

Here's something weird... initials carved into the the side of this car, with a drill maybe? LM from 1988

It's hot out there, folks. Keep hydrated and be breezy.