Friday, March 25, 2011

American Tropes

Here's a few pictures taken a few days over a week ago in 70 degree weather. It's now hovering around 40 outside right now. Who do I have to pray to to get some warm weather around here?

Boxcars, grainers, tankers, same old, same old:

Cross Roads and N.S. Red, 2010

The Lurker and an old and covered up "Water Bed" Lou, May 1999 and November 22nd, 1986.

Boxcar Billy sucks, March 2010.

Chasman, 2010.

Big Mistake, definitely my favorite fake.

These colors just don't run.

Decrepit Americana 2 soon.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pre-Indian Leftovers

Here are a few photos from a day or two before I left for India. It was a slushy, weirdly warm day from what I can remember. These cars were sitting pretty on the spur rail that runs down to Hills, IA:

D.Rail from August, 2010.

The Imposter. Spy Vs. Spy.

It's hard to see and I have no clue, but I see it frequently. Maybe it's just a carman's mark or something. I like the colors in the picture, though.

Tic tac toe. I've never seen a complete game ever played out. Theory always seems to participate. July, 2006.

The other end of this beautiful car. I don't know who, same date.

This one almost slipped by me. Baby Snake, extremely faded so some photo editing trickery had to go on to get this image to pop out. It was very tiny, too...

RIP Southern Pacific Cotten Belt, a rather famous line running through Arkansas that was in service from 1891 until 1992. The picture is a tad blurry, sorry.

If anyone needs a copy of the first Decrepit Americana, get at me. I'll be printing a few more copies off in the coming week before buckling down and finishing the second one!

Peace mon.