Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Indian Boxcar Art

I've been in India a bit now, and while riding a passenger train from Mysore en route to Margao in Goa, the train stopped at Mangalore Junction where I got to see the first Indian freight cars I've seen. I borrowed my friends (not so hot) digital camera and walked around to see what I could see:

Some writing in Kannada, or maybe it's Konkan.

Some muddy Hindi symbol.


Bala signature.

A quick drawing of a face.

A line of Indian gondolas.

The caboose is still in use here.

A line of Indian boxcars. They're more rounded and each side has two doors.

So, yeah, as you can see, not much going on on the moniker front here in India. It's bleak. Riding through Gokarna later, I saw drawings of flowers and dudes with mustaches, but that's about it. Graffiti in general is barely prevalent here. Anyway, just thought I'd let you get a peak into the world of Indian freight! When I get back to the states next month, I'll start working on Decrepit Americana 2!

Until then...